
Homesick - Kings of Convenience


【清新民谣】Kings Of Convenience - Homesick  

        Kings Of Convenience清新完美的二部合声如同一股清流般轻轻柔柔地流过人们冰封沉疾已久的心;彷佛呼吸著清新舒适的空气,在唯美浪漫、清新脱俗的乐章里,让自己享有短暂片刻的恬静。

       两个挪威大男孩Eirik Glambek Boe和Erlend Oye及两把传统吉他组成了双人乐团Kings Of Convenience。他们一出道,便被NME推崇美誉为「新民谣运动英雄」。


I'll lose some sales and my boss won't be happy,

but I can't stop listening to the sound

of two soft voices

blended in perfection

from the reels of this record that I've found.

Every day there's a boy in the mirror asking me:

What are you doing here?

Finding all my previous motives

growing increasingly unclear.

I've traveled far and I've burned all the bridges

I believed as soon as I hit land

all the other options held before me,

would wither in the light of my plan.

So I'll lose some sales and my boss won't be happy,

but there's only one thing on my mind

searching boxes underneath the counter,

on a chance that on a tape I'd find:

a song for someone who needs somewhere to long for.


Because I no longer know where home is.

热度 ( 64 )

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